5 Ways to Speed Up Your Website

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Website

Digital & Technology

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

515 week ago — 4 min read

ccWe may all agree to the fact that speed is the norm for every successful website. Search Engines have also made it clear that they will rank pages with faster load times at the top of the search results. And honestly with faster internet connections these days, a slow loading website is rarely tolerated. If you own a website this sole factor could cause great damage to your reputation.

We hate to see you lose out on your hard work and hence we have FIVE ways that could help you speed up your website. Before we start why don’t you actually take a speed test of your website, so you know where you stand now and also gage the improvement post the changes.

  • Get GEO hosting
    Geo Hosting is basically location based hosting. It is advised that if the majority of your website audience is based in a particular country then it is best to host your website in a server based in the same country. This will reduce the latency of your website thus resulting in faster loading websites. So if your audience is based in India then it will be best if you host your website through our India Hosting whose servers are based here in India. This will result in 10x faster loading of your website when compared to the same website hosted on a server in another country.

  • Optimise images:
    Images make our websites look attractive, but unfortunately it also contributes to increasing page load time. There are many websites that are highly dependent on images and cannot do without them. Fortunately there are a lot of solutions on the internet that can reduce the file size of an image with very little loss of quality. Give this Online Image Optimiser a try, has worked great for optimising our images.

  • Enable Browser Caching
    The user’s browser can store copies of your website’s pages if browser caching is enabled on your website. This saved cache will come handy the next time the same user visits the webpage. The browser will call for the content from the saved cache rather than loading the entire website, thus saving a lot of resources and time to load the page. You can get plugins for enabling browser caching depending on the CMS you are using or can simply work with your website developer to add this functionality.

  • Say Goodbye to Flash
    Flash elements take significant amount of time to load compared to other components in a website. You can convert your flash elements to HTML5 which takes less processing power and time to load thus resulting in faster loading websites. You can use PixelPlant to convert flash elements to HTML5 code which you can use on your website.

  • Use CDN
    “A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers (network) that deliver webpages and other Web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the webpage and a content delivery server.”- [Source]. If your target audience is based in different parts of the world then this can be the best solution for you. Making static copies of your website available to your users through a server near them will improve the page load time. You can use CloudFlare which is a free CDN service to power your website.


We know there are more steps out there that can speed up your website, but these are good enough to give your website a head start. Don’t forget to take a speed test of your website and evaluate the improvement of your website.

Article Courtsey: http://bigrock.com/blog/website/5-ways-to-speed-up-your-website


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