Vikram Sinha, CEO, We Care Pest Control

Vikram Sinha, CEO, We Care Pest Control

SME Inspirations

Malavika Jaggi

Malavika Jaggi

258 week ago — 6 min read

Enterprise: We Care Pest Control
CEO: Vikram Sinha
Industry: Chemicals, Dyes & Paints
Year it was founded: 2018
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana


Vikram Sinha, the founder of We Care Pest Control has used adversity in life as the springboard for greater excellence. Overcoming financial hardships in his formative years, he established We Care Pest Control when his mother was struck by chikungunya, a painful disease caused by an insect bite. We Care Pest Control has successfully solved the heavy rodent problem at the Secunderabad railway station and was recognised for ‘Best CSR Practices’ at the Telangana State Industries Awards 2019.

In conversation with GlobalLinker (GL), Vikram Sinha (VS) shares his business journey.

GL: What led you to become an entrepreneur and establish We Care Pest Control?

VS: After my 10th standard our family suffered a massive financial loss. As I am the elder son in my family, I started my earning journey as a paper boy. I was always interested in education and didn’t let go of my studies. Life really taught me a lot of lessons from my failures, which led me to value life even more.


I always liked to spend time with plants and surrounded by greenery. This led me to know more about insects, which made me to study Entomology from Germany. Then I got a job in Muscat, Oman. I was busy making my career in Entomology and earning good money, when all of a sudden, my mother was afflicted with Chickungunya (a painful disease cause by an insect bite). When I saw her struggling a lot during my visit to see her, it made me think about coming back to India and doing something here. This is when I started, We Care Pest Control.      


Secunderabad Railway Station was filled with rodents and this was causing huge damage and loss. WE CARE started its services and within a short span of time could control them, which made for a great success story in SCR (South Central Railways).


GL: How did you manage to raise awareness about your business?


VS: When your business is able to solve a problem, the recognition and acceptance comes automatically. Secunderabad Railway Station was filled with rodents and this was causing huge damage and loss. WE CARE started its services and within a short span of time could control them, which made for a great success story in SCR (South Central Railways). We thereafter were given the opportunity for writing the Methodology for Pest Control.  We also won the award for ‘Best CSR Practices’ at the Telangana State Industries Awards 2019.


Vikram Sinha of We Care Pest Control receiving award of excellence


GL: In business, what is the biggest challenge you have faced and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge in our business is manpower, as we have to train workers in services and safety measures by investing a lot in them. But often they stay with the company only for a year. We could find a solution to this issue by recruiting a lot of part time workers who are aged 19 years and above and are students looking for financial support. Such workers stick with us for at least 3-4 years.


Also read: Vineet Kumar, Founder, Meditantras


GL: Which offerings of GlobalLinker have helped you and how can other SMEs benefit from it?


VS: GlobalLinker helps me in connecting with local SMEs where I can get knowledge about various projects and strategies which is also helping in improving my skills.

GlobalLinker can be a great help to SMEs in several ways— for finding financial assistance, connecting to other business owners and also enhancing your network.  


GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur setting up their first business?

VS: Just do it with passion, don’t let go of a chance. If you win, you will be a success story for others to emulate. If you lose, you will gain experience and can motivate yourself to work hard and taste success. Most startup SMEs fail as they can’t take the first failures. In today’s world, you have solutions for every problem. You just need to be patient.   


Also read: Vikram Gandhi, Managing Director, Multifabrics Corp


GL: What is the next big thing on your business agenda?


VS: We have a vision set for five years and we break it down to goals for every six months. So my whole team is completely focused on this.


GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.

  • Every day you wake up at - Depends on the time I go to sleep; make sure to sleep for at least six hours
  • The first thing I do when I wake up - Look at the mirror, give a bright smile and say ‘all the best’.
  • Three things you do to unwind are - Go to a place where there are lot of trees and spend time with them for a couple of hours. Go to the slums and explain to them the value of education. Play games like cricket or playstation.
  • When you face a big challenge - I write down at least 3 -4 ways to solve the problem and start working on it.
  • The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given - Whatever may come, get up, dress up and show up
  • The one book everyone should read - It’s different for everyone, but for a startup SME I would recommend ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter


Also read: Manjir Chatterjee, Founder, Folk


Network with Vikram Sinha by clicking on the 'Connect' button on his profile


Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member. 
