Pushing boundaries in the digital marketing sphere

Pushing boundaries in the digital marketing sphere

SME Inspirations

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

375 week ago — 5 min read

There is a need for constant innovation in evolving spheres such as digital marketing. The online world changes by the instant and requires a marketer to change with it. Ravi Kumar, Founder and CEO of CyberKing Media, was disenchanted with the way big companies were approaching digital marketing.

Ravi decided to chart his own course and create an agency that has the expertise to compete with the big boys, and implement the innovative approach that this industry requires. Founded in 2016 in Delhi-NCR, Ravi has seen his business grow in this short span of time primarily through referrals and repeat clients.

In conversation with GlobalLinker (GL) Ravi Kumar (RK) shares his business journey.

GL: Tell us about your business.


RK: I have spent almost a decade in the digital marketing industry. In this period it was very disappointing to see digital agencies not contributing enough to the industry. Big agencies which are more than capable of contributing based on the knowledge and resources they have, aren't even bothered to create value for the client. Instead they always focus on fixed agreement KPIs. 

On the other hand, small agencies often lack expertise. This scenario made me very uncomfortable and compelled me to leave my job in a well-known digital marketing agency and initiate CyberKing Media which I believe will change the digital marketing work culture.


GL: What are the challenges you have faced in establishing your business?


RK: I believe the kind of challenges I have faced, will be faced by any startup in the beginning. For example:

  • Lack of clients or more appropriately no clients
  • As a startup owner, I have multiple things to do at a time, and sometimes I have absolutely no idea where to start!
  • Big prospects trust brands not startups


GL: Do you believe that the ‘ease of doing business’ in India has improved?


RK: Absolutely. A decade back, it was entirely a different scenario but now data shows India is the second largest market (after US) for retail e-commerce (which is the biggest online industry). Same goes with other leading industries such as travel, hotels & hospitality, healthcare etc.


GL: What is the USP of your business?


RK: Within the client's budget we always try to build a transparent ROI model in order to generate value for their business. That's what helps us keep our client retention rate way higher than any other agency. We don't limit our campaigns to the predictable KPIs but we go beyond that and prefer to work as their partners.


GL: What are some of the milestones of your business?


RK: The very first campaign executed under the roof of CyberKing Media has observed 348% growth in organic traffic and 300% growth in revenue within 3 months. The client was so happy with the growth that he immediately offered us two other projects. That’s how I scaled up my ticket size to 300% from my first client.


GL: What role do you feel GlobalLinker plays in connecting & assisting SMEs?


RK: GlobalLinker plays a very crucial role in connecting aspiring entrepreneurs. Business owners can connect with each other, refer each other where they can and help to create a win-win scenario for all.


GL: What is your big business dream?


RK: My dream is to revolutionise digital marketing. Digital marketing channels these days are not so different than a decade back but user behaviour has exponentially changed. I believe it's time that we should morph traditional marketing channels into new age digital marketing touch points, else the future of digital marketing will be shadowy.


GL: What is your message to aspiring entrepreneurs?


RK: Never lose hope. Everything may turn against you — your parents, siblings, spouse, friends, ex-colleagues etc. They will try to show you the depth of the risk you are taking but they can't see the height of the success which only you can see. They will try to scare you, demoralise you, resist you but you should not take your eye off from that pinnacle of success which you have to reach. Trust yourself, believe in your abilities and finally take the leap of faith.


Network with Ravi Kumar by clicking on the 'Invite' button on his profile


Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member.


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