My business resolutions for the new year

My business resolutions for the new year

Business Development

Sridhar Narayanaswamy

Sridhar Narayanaswamy

196 week ago — 4 min read

Every year comes and goes, and we use the arrival of the new year to introspect, to determine if we achieved our goals or where we missed. We set new resolutions and strive to work harder and smarter than before.

One may ask, why make a fuss about it then? I believe there is immense value in setting goals.

Business without objective is like wandering in the desert like a nomad. Even if we achieve success, we will not know about it.

Instead of making it general, let me list my own resolutions for the new year!

I believe there is immense value in setting goals. Business without objective is like wandering in the desert like a nomad. Even if we achieve success, we will not know about it.


As we step into the ninth year of our operation on 1 January 2021, I can say with pride that retention of our customers has been our major success. This itself is a testimonial for our quality of work and customer-centric approach.  (By the way, I run a software company.)

So, my business resolutions for the new year are:

  • Contribute to the success of my customers: This is what will bring success to myself, my team and my organisation.

  • Keep looking for new ideas: Post pandemic, our customers will also be looking for new avenues of growth. Give them ideas, educate them on becoming more digital and going on-line. We have been doing this already and at least with some of our customers, we have moved from being a vendor to a position of ‘partners in success’.

  • Set realistic goals: Yes, we have always been doing this and we shall continue to do so. What is the use of aiming for the moon and not even stepping out of the house?

  • Be focused on what we do: Frankly, we were into many types of software work in the previous years, taking up whatever that came along. We realised our mistake and resolved to be focused. The ‘Facial Recognition’ software that we have done, therefore, has attracted many customers and why so? Because we were focused on learning this new technology with a firm belief that our customers will like it.

  • Have a great team: ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ and I strongly believe that a well-qualified and motivated team is a key to success. Build a team of people with dedication, inclination to learn, trust them and delegate. Success, I am sure, will follow.

  • Use the digital medium more effectively: The brick and mortar way of doing business has given way to ‘everything online’ thanks to the pandemic. Let us use the digital medium, especially the platform provided by GlobalLinker, even more effectively than before.

  • Have some personal time: My wife is not so happy with me when I am slogging it out while people of my age (I am 66) are happily retired or so it seems. I do have few hobbies and also my granddaughter to play with. These energise me and keep me motivated.

  • Keep learning: Learning never ends whatever be the age. I believe, learning something new will make me think about utilising the same for my business success.

As we step into our ninth year of operation, I believe, we at Innovatus Systems, will complete a decade, with even more success than before.

At GlobalLinker, when I read the success stories of my fellow members, I feel energised and stronger than before.  Hence an important resolution for me will be to use the GlobalLinker medium with even more vigour than before and be part of a great team.

Here's wishing a very happy, health and prosperous new year to my GlobalLinker friends. 


To explore business opportunities, link with me by clicking on the 'Connect' button on my eBiz Card.


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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of GlobalLinker

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Sridhar Narayanaswamy

Managing partner of Innovatus Systems, founded by him on January 1, 2013. Sridhar is a result oriented professional with over four decades in the Information Technology &...

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