Harness the power of mindfulness to eliminate stress at work

Harness the power of mindfulness to eliminate stress at work

Learning & Development

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

269 week ago — 9 min read

Let me start by asking you a question. There is absolutely no doubt that the human race has generously utilised all the richness the world has to offer and has achieved far more than we ever thought was possible and will continue to do so in pursuit of making  the world a better place to live in. But in doing so, are we hanging on a precarious ladder? If not, then why are obstructive words like ‘stress’, ‘de-motivation’, ‘lack of productivity’ are taking over the front seat in our lives?

I’m sure these words are familiar to you as well. A report on Occupational and Employee Stress in Small Business states that business owners are reeling under a lot of stress these days and some of the major reasons are work overload, lack of recognition, fear or uncertainty, doubt about career progress and so on. So, how do we solve for this workplace problem that might seem ignorable at present but if left unattended, can lead to catastrophic results? One way is by understanding our inner self. Listening to our thought process and channeling positive mental energy to create a happier and more positive work environment.

The word here is – Mindfulness

What is mindfulness?

The term mindfulness has been derived from the Pali word ‘sati’ that translates to ‘presence of mind’. The practice of mindfulness has gained immense popularity in the recent years and is considered a great productivity tool.

So what exactly is mindfulness?  In simple terms, mindfulness is being aware of the current state you are in.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of MSBR (mindfulness based stress reduction) says, “Mindfulness is the awareness that arises when we non-judgmentally pay attention in the present moment. It cultivates access to core aspects of our own minds and bodies that our very sanity depends on,”

At workplace, mindfulness has profound benefits. No matter what task you are doing, paying attention to the job at hand and being mentally present in the situation can benefit you in a number of ways.

Also read: 5 ways to beat burnout

The term mindfulness has been derived from the Pali word ‘sati’ that translates to ‘presence of mind’. The practice of mindfulness has gained immense popularity in the recent years and is considered a great productivity tool.

Benefits of mindfulness at work

A modern day workplace is an unending loop of files, deadlines, targets, rushed coffee breaks and numerous meetings. To keep up with the running wheel, you need to practice mindfulness. And the best part, it only takes few minutes a day to master the art. And before you realise, you would have already become a pro-juggler!

1. Mindfulness boosts memory

Owning and running a business is no easy feat and keeping in mind tiny details about every aspect of your business can sometimes be overwhelming. Though the idea of keeping a personal assistant sounds lucrative, why not train your mind to become the best version of a personal assistant for you? Yes, mindfulness can help you achieve that by boosting your memory. Train your mind to be mindful of every little thing you do by being completely immersed in the activity till the time you finish it. This will not only improve your memory but will also help you get a work done faster and in a more effective manner.

2. Mindfulness helps you prioritize better

Multi-tasking may help you get a lot done under a very short duration of time. However, the reality is not all rosy. The human mind isn’t trained to do multiple tasks simultaneously and even though you may feel that you are accomplishing a lot, but in reality, if you break down every task into smaller chunks, you would realise that you are taking longer to finish them.

This is where mindfulness comes in. Practicing mindfulness boosts your memory and a great memory helps you prioritise your tasks better.

Also read: Declutter your business the Marie Kondo way

3. Mindfulness boosts creativity

Prioritising our tasks every day, keeping in mind and accomplishing multiple exploits on the same day is what takes up most of our time and energy. With these clutters flushed out using the power of mindfulness, your mind now becomes a free space for all that creativity and dynamic thinking that is required to keep moving your business forward.

4. Mindfulness increases your attention span

Has your mind already wandered off to the next meeting you have to attend or the next task you need to do after you hurriedly finish reading this article? If yes, then you need to stop right there. The base of practicing mindfulness lies in paying attention to the current task and no better way to start than now. Set a goal to finish reading this article wholeheartedly before moving on to the next task. By the end of the article, I promise you would have increased your attention span by a few minutes.

5. Mindfulness helps you keep your emotions in check

Dr T.P Chia said, “Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning.”

Mindfulness can help you keep your emotions in check. Mindfulness trains your mind to reflect on the present moment without judging them on the basis of past events or future happenings and thus controls emotional outbursts that you might otherwise have in an emotionally charged moment.

6. Mindfulness reduces stress

All the above points finally boil down to one problem that scholars and scientists around the word are breaking their heads to solve. How can you reduce stress? The ill effects of stress are well known to everyone and practicing mindfulness can help alleviate feelings of anxiety, worry, hypertension and restlessness leading to a stress-free life.

Now that you know what the benefits of mindfulness are, here is how you can achieve it:

Simple steps to practice mindfulness

You can start by practicing mindfulness for just 10 minutes a day. Whether you are at work or at home or travelling, you can practice mindfulness anywhere. Here are the steps you can follow to achieve mindfulness:

  • Find your place and get comfortable- Pick a spot that you would be comfortable in. It could be your workstation, your favourite couch at home or the bed of the hotel you are staying in while travelling.
  • Turn off distractors- Switch off your mobile phone, step away from anything that might cause a distraction and make sure you have a quiet place to practice mindfulness.
  • Breathe- Start by breathing in and breathing out. Become aware of every breath you take in and take out. Don’t think of anything but the present activity of breathing you are doing. Let go of the past and the future.
  • Concentrate- It is highly possible that in the 10 mins your mind might wander off to different thoughts. When you realise that your mind has started wandering, hold yourself right there. Try concentrating on the present moment and don’t let any random thoughts in.
  • Become aware of your body- Notice how your body responds to the breathing. Acknowledge the gentle heaving of your chest when you breathe in and breathe out. The mind is directly related to the body and vice versa. The way you think can change the way you feel.
  • Be kind and relieve the stress- it’s okay to wander off the first few times when you have just started practicing. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Every habit takes a while to build. This isn’t a competition. Train your mind with love and you will get all  that back.


Take a moment each day to practice mindfulness. Stop whatever you are doing. No matter how excited your nerves feel or how restless your body gets, give yourself few minutes to eliminate all random thoughts from your brain and concentrate on just the present. You will automatically feel a sense of calm and a burst of positive energy flowing through your body and mind.

Also read: 5 non-work related activities that can boost your productivity


Image source: shutterstock.com


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