Boost your e-store's traffic with these meta descriptions

Boost your e-store's traffic with these meta descriptions


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

264 week ago — 6 min read

A person owning an online business knows how critical every single aspect of their website is. In an article shared on Globallinker previously, we had explained the 10 must have features for your e-commerce site that will take your e-store from good to great. So now you know that optimising your product images, having live chat options, offers and discounts and an overall easy-to-navigate website is what it takes to get customers interested in your products.

But there is another feature of an e-commerce store that is often ignored and not using this feature properly can overshadow your otherwise great website. 

Okay, enough of beating around the bush. The feature we are talking about is - Meta descriptions.

In this article, we will tell you how to write compelling meta descriptions for your website that will help you boost your traffic significantly.

To begin with, let’s understand what a meta description is.

What is a meta description?

Meta description is a 150-160 characters long summary about the content of your website. It doesn’t help you rank on any search engine directly but forms an integral part of on page SEO. Google uses the results of a click-through-rate to determine of your website is worth ranking on top. This helps people people searching on google to click your website link.  

An effective meta description lures the user to click on the website and explore it further. Below are effective examples of meta description.



As you can see, the texts in blue is called the ‘Title tag’ and the summary below is known as the ‘meta description’. The above are great examples of writing a meta description that immediately catches the eye and demands attention.

Now that you know what a good meta description looks like, let’s learn how you can write one.

How to write a compelling meta description for your website?

In order to write a meta description that will immediately get the attention of your visitors, you need to ask yourself two essential questions first:

  • What are you offering?
  • Why should customers purchase from your website?

Once you have the answer to these questions sorted in your mind, here are the steps you can follow to write a great meta description:

1. Word count of your summary

Did you know that Goggle automatically creates a meta description for your website? It pulls out relevant information from your website and creates a summary highly optimised for your users. But in order to make sure that your meta descriptions are optimised for specific keywords, it’s better to write it on your own or get it written by an expert copywriter. 

Whatever the case be, the first and foremost step to writing a great meta description is weaving the summary in 150-160 characters. Make sure you are mentioning the keywords you are aiming at. And as long as you are writing the correct content, Google or any other search engine will automatically pick up your website and show it to the visitors looking for the particular products your e-commerce store sells.

Also read: 7 ways to write product descriptions that sell

2. Unique descriptions

In order to make sure that your meta description immediately catches the eyes of the visitors, you need to make your meta description interesting. Steer away from run-of-the-mill stuff and try and engage with visitors. For example, you can use first person to write the summary or a question-answer format. Writing the meta description in active voice also can help garner traction. 

But most importantly, make sure that the content you are writing matches the content of your website.

3. Keep your customers in mind

If you are selling washing machines for example, focus on how purchasing a washing machine from your website can make the lives of your customers easier. The trick is to understand what your customers are looking for and giving them a solid undeniable reason to visit your website.

4. Utilise keywords

What good are your keywords if you haven't used them in your meta descriptions? You spend so much time optimising your product descriptions, landing page and and your overall website content for keywords, but you still can’t reach out to your desired customers if you haven’t optimised your meta description for specific keywords. Afterall, a website’s meta description is the first thing that Google picks up and you don’t want to miss out on that. 

Also read: Remarketing: Benefits for small businesses & the different tools you can use

5. Avoid duplicacy

Every single page of your website is different and you must make sure that the meta description of each page is unique. Google takes mass duplication quite seriously.

Meta descriptions are very very important if you want to direct the right traffic to your website. With these points handy, start crafting great meta descriptions that are sure to boost the click-through rate of your website. 

Let us know in the comments section below if this article helped to curate the perfect meta description for your website.

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