5 tips to keep your brand alive inside out

5 tips to keep your brand alive inside out

Branding & PR

Alexis Natividad

Alexis Natividad

229 week ago — 5 min read

Whenever a natural or man-made disaster hits or an outbreak of a disease wreaks havoc, it’s not only people who are affected, but more so for brands. During these instances, key authorities are doing their best to monitor the situation and keep the public informed through different channels. Likewise, everyone is also doing their part to ensure that each individual is accounted for safety and security measures.

From an industry perspective, there are brands out there that have the potential to be greatly impacted by these situations, making it difficult for them to navigate their business. From a communications standpoint, here are some tips that you may opt to consider to keep your brand alive and remain relevant during these times:

1. Spread optimism through positive stories

While there is genuine concern over the impact of these situations, sharing positive news or human interest stories are still of value. These types of stories can help uplift and cleanse someone’s feed or even shift them from having negative thoughts. You may also choose to put out informational stories that will be helpful and relevant to your target audience.

Also read: COVID-19: A change of direction for MSMEs

2. Explore hosting digital events

Times are changing and so are the audience and the landscape. While some brands can confidently make this shift, others may not be as capable. Why not consider transforming it into a digital event like a webinar over Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts. This saves you time and money when it comes to your venue and logistics, and also grants people the option to participate wherever they are or even at the comfort of their own home.


In the event that your brand gets hit by a crisis like the current COVID-19 outbreak, having the right messaging and escalation process is imperative to protect your business.


3. Getting creative with your digital posts

Certain situations can potentially make transactional things difficult for people and businesses, especially the likes of advertising a particular product or service. To remedy this situation, why not try getting creative with digital? Since you already have a central messaging, why not translate your supposed billboard or TV commercial into a digital post that can be shared on social media. This way, your target audience can also engage with you and share your content with their respective platforms.

4. Internal is just as important as external

While you have your bases covered for the external side of your business, do not forget to consider the people who keep your company alive and kicking. While implementing your business continuity and sustainability plans, you also need to communicate these clearly to your teams and rally everyone together. Talk to them and answer their questions from business continuity plans (BCP)-related to personal concerns as your day-to-day family. Sustaining the business is a shared responsibility, most especially when a disaster strikes.

5. Rising in the midst of a crisis

In the event that your brand gets hit by a crisis like the current COVID-19 outbreak, having the right messaging and escalation process is imperative to protect your business. Evaluating a situation, carefully crafting a sound statement, and knowing whether to communicate it proactively or stay reactive and only respond to inquiries. Having proper crisis communications can make or break your business.

Also read: Coping in the midst of contagion 

As an agency, TeamAsia understands how brands can be susceptible to miscommunications caused by heightened situations. Snap decisions need to be made to protect both the brand and its people. This is why TeamAsia strives to help brands and businesses alike in these trying times by sharing these tips and making sure that we look out for one another.

While some may be able to cope, there may be others who may not be as fortunate. We can lend you a hand — from tackling your challenges, sharing your stories to developing communications strategies internally and externally, even protecting your brand from a potential crisis. We’re here to listen and be part of your brand journey.

Let us know how we can collaborate via info@teamasia.com.

Image source: shutterstock.com

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