Moment Of Innovation deliver a bouquet of services with our signature styling that targets your audience uniquely, creatively and relevantly. From an Advertising Campaigns that excites and builds relevance to strong post towards the Creative’s that take Home messages and to action, we understand and deliver long lasting impressions. Impactful sentiments in the Creative’s and Innovation using a rich mix of technology, interactivity, and entertainment required for a healthy blend of Product and Core TG relevance for the audience. We understand the requirements of Campaigns that are all levels of the Audiences. We work closely with all the clients whether they are private Limited, Public Limited or Governments Companies to deliver a smoothly coordinated Advertising Campaigns. Communicating with consumers on-ground is a proficiency that has been one of the flagship services through the years. A progression to trade Creative’s, TVC, Brand Activations, event, social media, many more.
After spending close to 25+ years in the business of advertising as creative person – working with some of the most respected advertising agencies like Lintas, Clarion, Bates, Mauritius in India and abroad. I have founded my own independent advertising communication & design agency¬ – Salt Solutions. Salt Solutions is a full-service advertising agency offering services across ideas, designing and communication, both in conventional and new media. The agency particularly caters to the unique needs of upcoming enterprises, delivering high impact communication. Quick thinking and quicker turnaround, and communication solutions that are both effective and economical in equal measure, are the hallmarks at Salt Solutions.
With more than 20 years of experience in advertising and television, I utilise all of my experiences to serve clients better, through a better understanding of their wants and needs. However, relationships also play a vital role - a quality I'm sure my small list of clients will vouch for. As an agency, Carpe Diem Advertising continues to grow as a lean, mean agency, more than able to handle a brief, big or small. While the past few years have seen us launch a niche art gallery, endear ourselves to a few multinational hospitality brands and play a larger role in one of the region's leading perfume manufacturer, the months to come promise to be interesting times, having recently opened offices in Mumbai and New York.
Advertising Agency
Marketing, Advertising & PR: Overview
A growing base of Marketing, Advertising & PR businesses are part of the GlobalLinker platform. This includes business owners in the following categories — Advertising, Market Research, Marketing, Public Relations, Media, Events & Entertainment, Broadcasting, Cables & Satellites, Event Management, Media, Movies & Entertainment, Professional Services etc.
GlobalLinker offers Marketing, Advertising & PR businesses rich opportunities to showcase their business; network with other business owners; find customers, partners and suppliers; digitise their services; benefit from a host of knowledge resources and events; and avail of special offers for their business growth.