GR Reddy & Naresh Deevi, Founders, Husys Consulting Ltd

GR Reddy & Naresh Deevi, Founders, Husys Consulting Ltd

SME Inspirations

Malavika Jaggi

Malavika Jaggi

271 week ago — 6 min read

Enterprise: Husys Consulting Ltd
CEO-Founder & Chief Growth Officer:
GR Reddy & Naresh Deevi
Industry: Business Services & Consultancy
Year it was founded: 2002
Based out of: Hyderabad, Telangana


Husys Consulting Ltd was established in 2002 with the vision to help SMEs structure their human resource function. Over the past 17 years the firm has acquired many national and international SME clients and was also listed on the NSE Emerge public listing in 2016.

In conversation with GlobalLinker (GL), CEO and Founder of Husys Consulting, GR Reddy (GR) shares the growth story of his firm.

GL: You started Husys Consulting way back in 2002. What motivated and excited you to start it?

GR: I had been dreaming about starting my own business ever since I started my career in 1991. But I wanted to do something different and not what was existing until then.  I plunged into entrepreneurship in 2002 after the Twin Towers fell and there was business and economic turmoil.  Every economic shakeout leads some companies to vanish and some to grow to be the next big thing. Based on this belief, I looked at the small and medium enterprises in India as the growth engines for the economy. 

The biggest milestone of Husys has been the NSE Emerge Public Listing in 2016 as the first HR company in India to be listed on the stock exchange.


I started with hiring a few fresh graduates and started building cost-effective HR solutions for SMEs in India. We pioneered a concept created by me - Human Resources Function Outsourcing (HRFO), which meant that Husys builds and manages HR departments. Being a new concept, acceptance was possible only through sharing knowledge in various business and industry associations across the country. We helped businesses across the country and that enabled us to win the trust of our international partners who saw our strong presence in India. Currently we work with more than 20 international partners covering about 150 countries.

The biggest milestone of Husys has been the NSE Emerge Public Listing in 2016 as the first HR company in India to be listed on the stock exchange.

We aim to ‘Enable People for Business’ by using our proprietary cloud-based HR platform which improves efficiency by 60%. We also offer multiple services to SMEs building value for money. Over the past 17 years we have acquired 1700+ clients globally.

We have our presence all over the south and north India regions with two regional offices and 10 franchises operating from our corporate office in Hyderabad.


Also read: Ramjeelal N, Proprietor, Kirtirams Engineering Works


GL: With 17+ years of experience as an entrepreneur, tell us what has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

GR: I have personally been very active on social and professional media to share what’s happening in our business. I have been ‘sharing knowledge’ and ‘giving’ without expecting business in every transaction, has been a key aspect of our growth.  This creates the awareness of business and the services that we provide and assures top of mind recall.  Digital promotion has also helped in our growth.

GL: What is the biggest challenge you face at this stage of your business?

GR: Biggest challenge is to change with time, evolve and build capabilities of business owners and leadership team. Coupled with bringing more competent people than us in our next journey.


GL: You are a Linker. Which offerings of GlobalLinker have helped you?

GR: It’s a great platform to connect and share. Network is net worth these days…GlobalLinker can help do that.

Also read: Yosha Gupta, Founder, Memeraki


GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur setting up their first business?

GR: Get into entrepreneurship only if you are ready for the long haul. Always build a company to last.

GL: What is the next big thing on your business agenda?

GR: Building an eco-system for HR using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to provide and aid decision-making to impact business.

GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.

  • Every day you wake up at – 5:30 am if India work. 7 am if extended Europe/US coordination
  • The first thing you do when you wake up - Freshen up and do my four rounds of Suryanamaskarams and few other kriyas without fail.
  • Three things you do to unwind/relax are - Sports involvement for my daughter, I also run a large Facebook group with 1 lakh members on Olympic dream for India. Meeting friends/networking as a way of life. Watching movies
  • When you face a big challenge, you - Go blank and then start to think if there is something I can do in my control, accept the challenge and seek support from family, well-wishers or network based on the situation.
  • The best piece of advice you've ever been given is - Build a company to last
  • The one book everyone should read is – Many! I don't think one would be enough to give different perspectives.


Also read: G Ranjith Reddy & A Tirupathi Reddy, Directors, Sri Rajeshwara Hatcheries

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